Global Syn-Turf: News, Announcements, Events, Alerts

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man laying down artificial grass on a patio

The H2- Oh No that is taking place from Boston to Phoenix

It was yesterday that I discovered that there is something very bizarre occurring with the cost of water in the United States. As you may have noticed recently there are some very positive changes occurring in industries like artificial grass and solar power. Changes that are happening so quickly with measured results that reaffirm our belief in a better, brighter, and more efficient tomorrow.

The British Open Has Started!

The British Open has started with a burst of intensity from the competitors. Rory Mcllroy currently leads at the number one spot in the leaderboard with six birdies and a total score of -6. Tiger Woods has been performing slightly better than before, holding 69th place. It's wonderful to watch as the golfers swing away on the beautiful courses. The putting greens and artificial grasses are absolutely gorgeous both on TV and in real life.

Phoenix, Arizona prefers a stylish modern lawn

All over the United States but particularly in Phoenix, AZ, when it comes to artificial grass, there are 3 types of customers who are poised to be among the proud, forward-thinking group who desire and demand a todays' modern lawn. 1. Commercial and small businesses. Artificial turf is a preference due to its ability to look good, but without the need for chemicals and fertilizers.

Germany wins the 2014 world cup!

Germany beat Argentina 1-0 in the world cup finals! Many viewers thought that Messi would ensure a win for Argentina. The game was exciting to watch. The artificial grass field was a vibrant green color and made the game very amusing to watch. In fact, the fake grass looked so real; many probably couldn't tell if it was real or not! Messi missed a free shot over the bar, and Germany responded with a goal.

Gritty Gleneagles Golf Course

Gleneagles is a challenging golf course in San Fransisco that has been struggling with maintenance. This particular golf course has survived many economic issues and has maintained its excellent artificial grass. Many golfers believe that Gleneagles will turn back around. However, the latest increase in water rates has caused the course operator to consider closing the course.

Good luck, Bullard Knights!

We want our kids to be winners. But it might be difficult to tune up with success when a school field you spend two-three hours every day, five days a week doesn't inspire your go-get-it-spirit. Jaime Maxey, a coach of Bullard Knights softball team, agrees with this idea. Here is what she wrote to the president of Global Syn-Turf: "Dear Andrew... The turf that you helped make possible at Bullard High School is amazing.

What Is Kool-Max?

Last week we discussed blade design technologies and how it affects different types of artificial grass. Today, we will be talking about Kool-Max. What is Kool-Max? Kool-Max is a technology. Kool-Max was designed to keep artificial grass cooler in hot climates. Kool-Max is new to the industry and is a truly innovative product.

Artificial Grass Blade Design

Many artificial grass buyers have a tough time picking out the right type of turf. Why? There are many different products for different purposes. Today we will be talking about blade designs. Global Syn-Turf offers products with over ten unique blade designs. These designs aren't just for looks, each has a purpose. The S-Blade series is a very popular choice. The S-shaped blades act differently than flat blades on sunny days. The light reflects off without a mirror effect.


LANGER WINS! Congratulations to Bernhard Langer, winner of the Seniors Players Championship tournament. It was a real nail-biter on Sunday when Langer defeated Jeff Sluman on the second hole in Pittsburgh. The two-time Masters champion has had three major wins in the 50 and older division and showed no signs of slowing. Langer is an endorser of Global Syn-Turf the nations largest synthetic grass manufacturer. "We are all very proud of Bernhard," said Andrew Gao, CEO of Global Syn-Turf.

Two Ways to Save Your Lawn in California Drought

It is no mystery that California is currently experiencing a drought. Many lakes, rivers, and reservoirs have dried up and depleted. Not only does the drought have a severe impact on California as a whole, but it also has an impact on individual homeowners. Many lawns have shriveled and withered away due to the drought, and it makes the front yard look terrible. As you can see in the pictures below, many lawns have died and look bad (as seen in the top row of pictures below).

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