I live in the big apple and we are looking for a company to service our city. It was my job to find a company that can service the city and get turf here. I found Global Syn Turf online and studied their website in great detail. I really liked how detailed the website was with all the information for our customers. I called Global Syn Turf and spoke with one of their representatives about all the details of getting artificial turf here to the city. The representative said they have artificial turf dealers in the New York city area that stocks turf and has samples to give away. Global Syn Turf gave me a list of dealers and distributors to call in the New York area for turf orders and samples. We just received our first turf order from one of the local dealers and it took one day to receive. This is the type of service this city has been looking for and needs for their artificial turf needs. Thanks Global Syn Turf.