Landscape Architect

Atlanta Georgia
Thomas Witman

 I'm a landscape architect in Atlanta Georgia and I have been doing some continuing education on artificial grass. I found the Global Syn Turf website and was mesmerized by all the information and specifications listed on their website. First and foremost it seems like they are definitely a leader in the industry when it comes to yarn Turf color configuration. I had two samples sent to my office and was blown away how realistic the artificial turf looks as well as how they match real grasses and Landscaping today. The backing on their artificial Curtis seems to be very sturdy and strong. They also offer a long list of different infill you can use for different applications for artificial turf which I found very interesting. I learned a lot about how the different Linville act and artificial grass because of their website. They also offer and cell drainage tiles which can be used for artificial turf over concrete. This creates an air vacuum the left water flow under the artificial turf especially as it might relate to pets. They also offer about five different types of padding to put under the turf to help make the turf meet critical fall height requirements especially under playground equipment. Some of the pads are used to go under putting greens to create a little shock absorbency so when you hit golf balls on it even grabs the ball and it won't bounce off of the green. Global Syn Turf also list a long list of different tools needed for Turf installation, different scene fabrics and accessories and Nails used in everyday installation. I want to thank Global Syn Turf for helping make my job as a landscape architect better and easier. 

looking good
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