How much pet odor neutralizer do I need to apply to a 15x40 Pet turf?

Chris Costlow | Sep 16, 2020 1:45 AM

Do I just spray it all over?

1 Answer
You will need to spray the pet odor neutralizer at the areas with dog urine smells, not necessarily the entire lawn if you don’t have smell issues to waste. By that said, even though your entire artificial grass area is 600 sf., but you might only need a bottle of 32 oz with the garden hose attachment as when you are spraying down the smell area, water will dilute the concentrated neutralizer, and you should be able to use the bottle multiple times. Here is the link to the details of the pet odor neutralizer for you to review: Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions by phone (877 796 8873), email ([email protected]), or this online form:, thank you.
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