What should I use to cut my artificial grass?

Aaron Seikel | Jan 14, 2020 9:17 AM

I have a really weird garden shape and I thought to cut the edges will give me a hard time to shape it on trees and pavements.

1 Answer
Generally speaking, you never need to cut artificial grass. At the installation stage, installers will use carpet knife or scissors to trim of blades. Once turf is installed, you should never need to cut the grass any more. If you ever need to, all you need is a razor blade or a pair of scissors to cut, fairly simple. 
I tried using a razor to cut my artificial grass, glad it works!
Get a pro to cut it for you.
I used a Stanley Classic Retractable Blade Knife.
Oh, so you can actually cut it with a pair of scissors? Cool!
I will not dare cut my artificial grass.
I don't think it needs cutting 'cause artificial grass don't grow. lol
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