Global Syn-Turf: News, Announcements, Events, Alerts

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man laying down artificial grass on a patio

Official Exclusive Artificial Turf Partner Celebrates 49ers Win and Super Bowl Berth

At the time of signing this landmark partnership, San Francisco 49ers Vice President of Corporate Partnership Brent Schoeb said, “Adding the artificial turf from Global Syn-Turf has given the space an unmistakable football feel that has helped increase fan engagement with our partners and vendors over the last year.

Artificial Grass Clearance Sale

Pleasanton, California / December 2, 2019 - Global Syn-Turf, Inc. launches the 2019 Year-End Sale offering an incredible saving on remnants and full rolls of the top quality artificial grass. Starting at $.25 per square feet, we offer even lower prices on truckloads of turf remnants. Synthetic turf products are available at Global Syn-Turf centers located in major United States metropolitan areas, available for local pickups and supervised shipping.

Fall yard clean-up, raking leaves with a garden rake

Winterizing Your Yard: Artificial Grass Vs. Natural

Natural Lawn Winterizing Winterizing a lawn is more critical if you cool-season turf (Fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, or perennial ryegrass.) These types of grass grow more in fall; it's recommended to apply winterizer fertilizer in October or November. Warm-season grass (Bermuda, St. Augustine, centipede, zoysia) goes dormant in close-to-freezing temperatures. In Northern regions, colder temperatures typically happen in the fall; the last fertilization must be done before September 1.

Planning an outdoor party with friends and family

Outdoor Party Ideas - Are You Ready For a Labor Day Weekend?

Spruce up your yard If you have a natural lawn, hive your outdoor space a quick make-over by mowing and edging your lawn and pruning shrubs. Time to consider synthetic turf; it doesn't need any work to stay beautiful and green all year long. You may want to add touches of bright color with flowers in colorful pots.

Bernhard Langer Wins His 4th Senior British Open Title and Sets a New World Record

For the record-extending 11th time in his senior major title career, Bernhard Langer wins the 2019 Senior British Open on Sunday at Royal Lytham & St. Annes. Thirty days before his 62nd birthday, Langer wins the Senior British Open for the 4th time setting a tournament record. Heavy rain delayed the round by nearly six hours. On Sunday, Langer started three shots back of Broadhurst, opened with four birdies and added a pair of bogeys at the 15th and 17th.

Water Laws In California, Police, Illegal, irrigation, sprinkler

Exciting 2019: New Laws in California. Some Good, Some Not So.

Severe water drought in California seems to be over, but the water conservation rules continue to march down the state road. As a part of life, the universe works on the second law of thermodynamics: the entropy (a measure of the amount of disorder within a system) always tend to stay the same or increase; in other words, the energy of the law is continuously gradually moving towards chaos. No matter how long you leave a boiling pan of water, it will never become a block of ice.

I am an American free two man skydiving with a dog

Independence Day - It Is Time to Reflect Our Freedom

"I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit." ― Theodore Roosevelt America was founded by 1776 and continues to be the home for people seeking freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the chance to build a better future for themselves and their families. There are no monarchies, immutable caste systems, or rigid hierarchies to stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Beautiful Woman Sitting on a floor with a white dog

Will My Dog Have Those Puppy Dog Eyes Forever?

It’s difficult for us to resist a touchy flash of puppy dog eyes - and according to a new study, that pulls on the heartstrings might be well why dogs can give us those looks at all. Pets are foolhardy for individual attention and eye contact. [widgets->print_video?id=76&set=8,8,12] When raised next to people, they begin fighting for our attention when they’re as young as four weeks old.

Lamps filled with glowing, living algae

Eco-Friendly, "Green" Innovations 2019. What is Sustainable and What's Not.

From the magnifying lenses of the 13th century to the printing press, developed around 1440 in Mainz, Germany and the steam engine dated back to 1968, to the electric light pioneered by Humphry Davy in the early 19th, the technological innovations are constantly changing the course of human history. It's hard to imagine times when we had no paper currency, steel, antibiotics, or vaccinations. We can have a safer life without an Atomic Bomb, but without a wheel, Facebook apps wouldn't get far.

Family of foxes colonized the backyard

Wildlife Takes Over Cities: Colonization Threat or Rendering New Biological Systems?

An 82-pound mountain lion roams the San Francisco streets tiptoeing into the night without ever being seen. In downtown Chicago, a coyote lives in the cemetery, eating chicken the mourners place on the graves. More than 5,000 coyotes roam the city of Los Angeles feeding on garbage cans, food left from pets and small pets themselves. Raccoons are often quests in urban backyards across the country, along with skunks, gophers, moles, and opossums.

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