Turf Referral

San Marcos Texas
Randy Gersbach

Global Sn Turf has referred me to a local dealer distributor in my area for the installation of artificial turf. They are a landscape irrigation supply store here in my hometown. They sell everything to do with irrigation from irrigation pipes as manufactured by global Sn turf today I received my free samples of artificial turf from the local dealer distributor ended up liking the Escalade 66 as our favorite. The Escalade 66 to seem to be the right height and the right touch and feel for me and my family as it is also pet friendly. The local dealer distributor here in my hometown recommended and installation company to do the installation of the artificial grass. They came out to my house and gave me a bid for the installation of the artificial turf at no cost to me and my family. The bed seemed so reasonable that we ended up purchasing the installation and the turf from this company. To think that by saving water and a maintenance crew from managing our real grass that we could pay for our new artificial turf in less than 4 years seemed to be the right thing to do. Now the a artificial turf has been installed for over two and a half weeks now and we love the outcome. All of our neighbors and family have been so envious and love the artificial turf so much they want to get it installed themselves too. I want to thank Global syn turf or manufacturing a wonderful product, offering a 15-year manufacturer's warranty, as well as referring us to a dealer distributor local to us where we live. 

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